Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Where do I even begin since I last left off. So much has happened!!! Shame on me :) So I got the job in Marble Falls...found out June 12, 2009 at like 9:15 a.m. I was so happy. We were at the Frio River on our family vacation. Then Thomas and I came home that Sunday and had to start figuring out where to live because our lease was up on the 23rd. That Tuesday I looked at a place but did not like it, Thursday we had Dad's friend Mike Harbers, who is a realtor in Lago Vista show us about 8 places and found a duplex that we love. Signed for the duplex June 19th. June 19th...the best day ever for me thus far...That afternoon when Thomas got back to San Marcos we decided to go out to eat...we went to the Gristmill...our first date...since the 20th is our anniversary we decided to celebrate early because we would be in Shiner that weekend. So we ate and then Thomas had the idea that we go drink in front of Old case you don't know Old Main is the best known building on the Texas State Campus. I thought it was odd but I didn't think anything of it because we have gone on campus a few times to walk around. I did have to say no to the drinking beer because I didn't want to get in trouble. So we headed there and now that I piece everything together, Thomas was acting really weird because he saw a vehicle there and workers and he was like "Why are there so many people here?" I didn't see it being a big deal. Then we were at Old Main and we were walking down the Quad but then we saw construction workers so we turned around and stayed in front of Old Main and just talked. Thomas asked if I ever think about how this place changed my life and I just had this blank stair and looking at him like he was crazy and I said "No, not really. Well, I am now." I then asked him how it has changed his life and I was hoping to hear because this is where he met me and to my surprise he did say that. He talked about how it and I have changed his life and then he got down on one knee and said "Jillian Leigh Chumchal, will you change my life again? Will you marry me?" He opened the box with the ring in it...I dodn't even think I let him finish asking me...I think he said "Will you" and I already said yes. It was all such a blur but yet I remember it. When he dropped to one knee I said "Are you serious?!?" I said that when he asked me to be his girlfriend too...that's my first thought on all surprises. When he was asking me to marry him his eyes got watery and his voice cracked. I was shaking and teary eyed. It was the most amazing feeling...we hugged and kissed and said "I love yous" over and over again. He said he really wishes we would have stopped for beer because he was so nervous and he said that he had like a 10 minute speech but forgot it all. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. It was AMAZING!!! Absolute best feeling ever!!! We then walked to the car and started calling everyone. My parents were having a party at the pool house and I really wanted to go eventhough we planned to leave Saturday morning. So we went and hung out for awhile but it took me forever to pack because I couldn't think of anything and I was just so happy. Saturday we had a great time at Jamie and Robert's Couples Shower. Great margaritas, food, music, and friends and family...what more could you ask for. Sunday we relaxed and celebrated Father's Day. Monday I called and booked the Church and Legion Hall for June 5th, 2010!!! YAY!!! We packed some stuff to Lago Vista on Monday and Tuesday we were all out of our apartment and moved in to Lago Vista. I absolutely love it. I also booked our photographers. The same ones that both my sisters used/are going to use and my cousin used them and is the one that actually found them. They are great...I wouldn't want anyone else. They are the ones to take the first picture of Thomas and I and when our journey all began. I love Thomas so much. I have never met someone quite like him. He brightens my day and has a way of making me laugh and has a way of making me open up and love more than I ever thought possible. Our journey is only beginning and I love every single minute of it.

I think that's about all the knews. I have a long to do list and hopefully I will be better about keeping up with this blog. There is another piece of big news in the Chumchal household...I just had to look at her blog to see if she posted anything about it but Jenny and Nick are I will be an AUNTIE...I am super super excited. I cannot wait. Thomas's brother and sister-in-law are expecting too so we will have to little bundles of joy in the wedding. YAY :)

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